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Does the Method of Vocabulary Presentation Make a Difference? : Focus on Form in Second Language Vocabulary Learning

Lina Yuliani Does the Method of Vocabulary Presentation Make a Difference? : Focus on Form in Second Language Vocabulary Learning 1. Introduction   Vocabulary is basically used as a minimal means to deliver the message in oral and written language. Broadly defined, vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meaning in both oral and print usage and in productive and receptive forms. Thus there is no doubt that vocabulary is one of several important components of language skills. There has been a number of studies under both frames of first language learning (L1) and second language learning (L2) showing evidence that non is more important than the contribution of vocabulary knowledge to reading comprehension. Reading is a very crucial tool for L2 learners to get input for extending their vocabulary range. The National Reading Panel (2000) concluded that comprehension development cannot be understood without a critical examination of the role played by vocabu...