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strategy of reading

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.     BACKGROUND To improve the English skills, language learner need to know, master, and create the language learning strategies. Knowing the types of language learning strategies will give the student same alternative in learning strategies that mostly appropriate to use. Fedderholt (2006: 1) argue that successful language learner make use of different types of learning strategies. Indeed, learning strategies can make a powerful impact to the outcome of language learning. Zainil (2005: 69) also state that nowadays, researcher as well English language teacher and lecturer believe that the strategies play a major role in learning English because the learner attention is not on structural devices anymore but on developing communicative competence. Language learning strategies may exist in all level. A student begins to learn speaking and reading in English from the elementary school, it means that he/ she begins to use learning strat...

Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Discovery Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI IPS SMA TMI Roudlatul Qur’an Kota Metro Tahun Pelajarn 2016/2017

Nama              : DWI NUR HIDAYAH Prodi               : PBI NPM               : 13240009 Judul                  : Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Discovery Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran      Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI IPS SMA TMI Roudlatul Qur’an Kota Metro Tahun Pelajarn 2016/2017 1.       Laporan Kegiatan Mengajar a.       Siklus 1 (3-4 pertemuan) 1.       Perencanaan Sebelum malakukan peruses pembelajaran di dalam kelas terlebih dahulu merancang sebuah pembelajaran dikelas yaitu dengan menyusun desain pembelajaran, rencana pembelajaran (RPP), silabus, membuat jadwal perte...