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Name               : abdul rohid
Resume           : TEFL
Total physical response (TPR) is a method developed by James J. Asher, a professor of psychology at san jose state university, california. Dr. Asher began experimenting with TPR in the 1960. the method has been developed from developmental psychology, learning theory and language learning procedures.
TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any language. Based on the developmental psycholgy, the propenents of TPR claim that memory is increased if it stimulated through association with motor activity and the process of lerning, a foreign language is a parallel process to larning the first language (brown, 1987:163).

The advocates of TPR believe that language learners should understand the target language before speaking. Language learners can learn through observing actions as well as performing the action themselves (Larsen-Freeman,1986: 114 and 2000). By obsrving actions and performing, they will the language they are learning.
Having fun makes language learners understand interested in learning the foreign language is also a principle of te method.

The teacher in TPR should foster an atmospher of general euphoria. It is important to ease as much as possible the tansion of performing the commands in front of the peers.There are several techniques utilized in teaching the target language through TPR. Garcia (1996) divides the techniques into introductry technique and working technique.
The following introductory techniques of TPR are taken from gracia (1996)
1.      The teacher utters and models the command for the students. The student perform the command listening to the teacher by doing what he/she does.
2.      The teacher creates situations in which a student has to choose between two items. The student already knows one item well therfore, by the process of elimination, the otheritem is immediately recognized.
The procedure above is the beginning activities in teaching english. the teacher introduce two verb of command “stand up” and “sit down. These two verb are easy to be presented. As mentioned earlier that TPR follows the language sequence of how an infant learns his/ her mother tongue.
1.        BACKGROUND
The audio-lingual method (ALM) is a method which was introduced in the united states of america (USA) in 1940. Even though the method is considered very old, many language teachers still like it and believe that it is a powerful method.
Techniclly, the method was supported by the appearance on the market of a large variety of mechanical aids, such as tape recorders and language laboratories. Theorically, the method was based on the findings of the structural linguists, who developed a psychology and philosophy of language learning different from traditional method.
The principles of the method derive from the aims of learning a foreign language. The aims of the method include some aspects of langauge learning. The linguistic aims of the ALM are:
1.      Language learners are able to comprehend the foriegn language when it is spoken at normal speed and concerned with ordinary matters.
2.      Language learners are able to speak in acceptable pronounciation and grammatical correcness.
3.      Language learners have no difficulties in comprehending printed material.
4.      Languange learners are able to write with acceptable standards of correctness on topic within their experience.

The ALM has a relatively complete procedure of presenting language material, the procedure can be as follows:
1.      The language teacher gives a brief summary of the content the dialogue.
2.      The language learners listen attentively while the teacher reads or recites the dialogue at normal speed several times.
3.      Repetition of each line by the language learners in chorus next step.
The silent way is the name of method of language teaching. He used to be involved in a mathematics program and his experience has influenced the method. The name of method often makes people curious; they wonder how people can learn a foreign language in a “silent”. The name of  the method seems to be a response to other traditional method with which language teacher are very active dominating classroom activities.

The following are some of the principles of the silent way regarding to foreign language learning:
1.      The work require language learners to relate the linguistic signs to truth that they perceive with their senses (stevick, 1980:47)
2.      Language is not learned by repeating after a model. Language learners need to develop their own “inner criteria” for correcness (larsen-freeman, 1986:58)
3.      Meaning is made clear by focusing learner perceptions, not through translation (larsen-feeman, 1986:59)

The silent way procedures begin by introducing the sound of the target language before attaching them to meanings to prepare learners to learn the target language. This important for language learners to be familiar with the sound since the sounds of a foreign language sound strange and funny for beginers.
After langauge learners able to procedure the sound of the target language, language teacher continues teaching the language by using rods and word charts. Or, language teacher may used other physical objects, whose purpose is to make meaning perceptible through concret object or by repersentation of experience. Since the method uses ”bubble” syllabus, the learning objectives are flexible.


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